Notes on Software Development, Technology and Life.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Guide to Setting Up with Sun Java on FC4 64 has a new article explaining how to set up with Sun's Java Runtime Environment on Fedora Core 4. The article is specific to 64 bit Fedora, but it is useful for 32 bit as well. The article can be found at

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Java Web Application Framework Articles at has a number of Java related articles that have become quite popular, here is a partial list:

Fedora Core 4's Native Eclipse, Is it Ready for Prime Time?

A Review of the Echo2 Framework

A Closer Look at the Echo2 Framework

A First Look at the Wicket Framework

If you are looking for information about these frameworks these articles are a good starting point.

EchoPointNG Overview at

There is a new article at providing an overview of the EchoPointNG component library for the Echo2 web application framework