Notes on Software Development, Technology and Life.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Eternal Weigh Loss Battle

Like a lot of people, I have a new year's resolution to lose some weigh and get in better physical condition. I've been going to the gym three or four times a week. I try to burn at least 400 calories during my cardio workout, plus I always do some weight lifting.

To help me with the weight loss, I've been having lean pockets for lunch a few times a week. In general they taste pretty good, and two of them have less than 600 calories (the exact calorie count depends on the specific variety). I've grown to like the four cheese and the meatballs and mozzarella varieties.

I've also been snacking on Nabisco's 100 calorie snacks. They come in several varieties including chocolate chip cookies, weat thins and many others.

I am hoping to lose at least 10 to 15 pounds. Wish me luck.

Thinking of buying a house

We have been thinking of getting a house lately. Our two bedroom condo is starting to feel small since our family is growing (and we expect it to grow even more). Unfortunately house prices are insane in the Northern Virginia area. I have no idea how people can afford to pay the exhorbitant prices that are being asked for houses in this area, half a million for a townhouse? The real estate market is crazy around here. Perhaps I should consider a career change into real estate?

Lexar Jump Drive

I recently got a $50 gift certificate from for being one of the 100 top posters on JavaLobby.

I decided to spend the certificate on a Lexar 512 MB jump drive. I didn't really need a jump drive, but I've been wanting one for a while, since I got a chance to get one for free, why not?

I've been working on a very large document using, I now have the document on the jump drive, and can work on it on any computer I might have access to. Since not everyone has installed, I also installed Portable OpenOffice on it. Portable OpenOffice has been very handy. Highly recommended even for MS Office users, since OpenOffice can read and write MS Office formats.

Car is in the shop (again)

About a month ago I had to take my car to the shop since I was having problems with the breaks, it cost me an arm and a leg to fix it, but at least I got it back quickly.

Yesterday coming home from work it started to overheat, had to take it to the shop again. They said the fan is not working correctly and they are not sure what is wrong with it.

I love my car ('96 Pontiac Firebird Formula) but it looks like it is starting to show its age. If it keeps giving me problems I might have to start thinking about replacing it.