Notes on Software Development, Technology and Life.

Monday, October 06, 2008

New Blog

I've been wanting to host my blog in my own domain for a while. Well, I recently downloaded Apache Roller, configured it under my GlassFish server and I have my new, self-hosted blog up and running.

Check it out at:

Saturday, October 04, 2008

David Heffelfinger Interviewed at DZone

As the author of Java EE 5 Development Using GlassFish Application Server, I was interviewed a while back by Meera Subbarao of DZone.

Click on the link above to read the interview.


NetBeans Book Available for Pre-Order

My new book, Java EE Development With NetBeans is now available for pre-order from Packt Publishing's web site.

It covers several aspects of Java EE development using the NetBeans IDE.

Some of the features covered include:

  • Visual JSF Development
  • JPA Entity generation from existing database tables
  • EJB 3 session bean development
  • JMS and EJB 3 Message Driven Bean development

David Heffelfinger Interviewed at Packt Publishing's Web Site

A while back I was interviewed by Packt Publishing. Follow the link to read the interview.

Looking for new contracts

My current contract will end in December. I am starting to look around for work. If you have a need for an experienced Java/J2EE Senior Developer/Architect, Contact Me.

My current resume can be found in my web site

Some highlights about what I can bring to the table:

I am a published author of three Java and J2EE related books:

Java EE Development With NetBeans

Java EE 5 Development Using GlassFish Application Server

JasperReports For Java Developers

I am a part time Java instructor at The Learning Tree International. I currently teach a course on Java EE 5, the successor to J2EE

I have 13 years of software design, development and architecture, 12
of which have been with Java, J2EE and related technologies.